这项政策涵盖所有大学拥有的计算机资源,包括硬件, 软件和网络设备, 从此称为“计算机系统”.“西弗吉尼亚卫斯理学院的计算机系统对学生开放, 教师, 以及支持学院使命的员工. 预计这些资源的使用者将从事学术工作等活动, 与他人沟通, and accessing various information sources in the performance of normal college-related job responsibilities. 偶尔使用学校的电脑作个人用途, 例如通过电子邮件与朋友或家人通信, 也可能被认为是合适的, 但在所有情况下,使用应遵循大学相关活动. 计算机系统 may not be used for commercial or solicitation purposes without the express written consent of appropriate school officials. The computer resources provided by the College are the sole and exclusive property of the College and may not be moved or altered without the permission of the Computer Center, which bears sole responsibility for computer installation and maintenance of the college-owned computers and network equipment.

这是预料之中的, 作为回报, 用户必须尊重他人的权利和隐私, and must obey school policies and state and federal laws that may apply to their activities while using the computer system. 尽管学院, 以其官方身份, will make every effort to respect the privacy and civil rights of users of the computer system, it should be understood by all users that the computer system is owned and operated by the College. 学校保留权利, 自行决定, 监控系统活动的任何方面和所有方面, 并在必要时采取适当行动维护法律, 道德, 或者道德标准. Use of the college computer system means that you agree to abide by the rules and responsibilities set forth in this policy.

计算机系统的用户有几项法律义务. The examples provided here are the most significant, but should not be considered a complete list. It is the responsibility of users to be aware of and respect state and federal statutes that may regulate their activities.

  • 用户必须遵守版权法, 包括1998年的《加拿大28网址》, 尊重他人的知识产权. 这包括但不限于音乐和其他下载.
  • 必须遵守软件许可协议. The college makes every effort to properly purchase and license all software installed on the institution’s computer systems. There is no stated or implicit consent given to users to copy any of the 项目 or data residing on these systems.
  • Users must have approval from the Computer Center before installing any software on a college-owned computer. 这包括但不限于从互联网下载的程序. 除非提供许可,否则发现未经许可的软件将被删除. Unsupported software may be removed by the Computer Center as needed to improve computer performance.
  • 未经授权进入计算机系统是违反西弗吉尼亚州法律的, or to gain access to a computer system for the purposes of fraud or malicious activities such as the destruction of files or 项目.
  • 对他人作虚假陈述(诽谤)是一种民事犯罪。, 特别是如果它导致那个人的好名声的损失(诽谤).
  • The creation or knowing distribution of a computer virus or “worm” is a violation of federal statute.
  • 创建或明知传播连锁信是违反联邦法规的.
  • 没有用户 may alter or upgrade the operating system of any college-owned computer without purchasing a license and scheduling the installation with the Computer Center.

虽然用户的某些活动可能不是严格非法的, 在某些情况下,用户可能会违反学校的道德标准. Guidelines for appropriate behavior as found in the campus handbooks and catalogues apply to the use of the computer system. 常识和个人责任感在这里很重要.

  • Users of the college computer system will refrain from accessing or electronically transferring text or graphics images that would be deemed hateful, 有损人格的, 或者以大学社区的普遍标准来看是色情的
  • 计算机系统, 尤其是电子邮件功能, 不会被用来制造冒犯性或破坏性的信息吗. 这包括含有性暗示的信息, 种族歧视语, 性别的评论, 或者任何其他冒犯他人年龄的评论, 性取向, 宗教或政治信仰, 国家的起源, 或残疾.
  • 其他用户的文件和电子邮件信息的隐私在任何时候都应得到尊重. 没有用户, 授权的系统管理员除外, 要访问, 或者试图访问, 未经该用户明确同意,擅自窃取该用户的文件或电子邮件信息. 除了, no unauthorized attempt shall be made to obtain the passwords or access codes of any other user, and no use of another person’s user ID or password is allowed unless specifically approved by a computer system administrator.
  • No attempt will be made by any user to secure unauthorized access to system files or confidential academic or administrative records.
  • 没有大学拥有的电脑, 电脑组件, 投影仪, 打印机, or other related items shall be removed from campus for any reason except when issued for mobile or remote use.
  • 任何造成损害的用户, takes a computer off campus for repair or other reasons or incurs charges in other ways without approval from the Computer Center will be responsible for damages and expenses incurred.
  • The intentional destruction of any work-related files or other resources used in the course of your job is strictly prohibited upon your departure or at any other time. 所有文件, 项目, and other tools used for work whether licensed software or freeware placed on College-owned computers are the property of 西维吉尼亚州 卫斯理学院 and may not be removed or copied.
  • 所有用户在连接到网络之前必须注册任何外围设备. 这包括但不限于:无线路由器、交换机、集线器和网络打印机.

超出了本政策的法律和道德准则, responsible users of the college’s computer systems should recognize the fact that they are members of a larger electronic community. 作为这个社区的好公民, users can take several steps to make utilization of the college’s resources a rewarding experience for themselves and others.

  • The College’s electronic mail system should be used primarily for communicating college-related messages. 员工不应该转发连锁信, 垃圾邮件, 笑话, 或其他分散或干扰自己和他人工作的信息. 这也大大增加了你感染和传播病毒的机会.
  • 只将邮件发送给应该接收邮件的人. Sending something to everyone on the address list uses unnecessary server resources and clutters many mailboxes.
  • 举报不当使用或破坏任何电脑资源的行为.
  • 限制在图书馆共用电脑上的时间,并尊重非娱乐性用户.
  • Clean old files and documents off of shared resources such as file servers and electronic mail boxes.
  • 善用公共场所的电脑资源. Refrain from accessing 项目 that produce loud noises or contain graphic material that may offend others.
  • 网络打印机应主要用于学术印刷. 请避免为个人使用而印制大量副本.
  • Users will make every attempt to avoid the unintentional spread of computer viruses through awareness of the problem and by consulting the Helpdesk website on a regular basis for recommended virus safeguard procedures.
  • 如果用户在这些准则下滥用被发现, 计算机中心可自行决定限制有关机器上的用户权限.
  • Users and all College units and divisions developing web pages must have the web page design approved by the Office of Marketing and Communications.


如果违反本政策需要纪律处分, 处罚的范围可能从失去计算机特权到开除或终止工作. 对学生的纪律处分将由学生事务副主席处理, 由教务处副主席颁发, 职员则由行政副主席负责. Grievances and appeals may be filed in accordance with the respective guiding policy documents for students, 教师, 和工作人员.这里有一些文本